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3 Main Types of Websites

The internet is full of websites. There are websites for businesses, profiling, ads posting, tourism, blogging and many more. Each of them is different but are the same somehow. We have categorized three major types of websites for the reader’s understanding.

Static websites

As our place of living and business host in Dubai so we will discuss the web systems with this context. This type of websites covers the most number in the whole world. This is like a book where paragraphs and chapters are written and printed once. The reader can only read it but cannot interact with the written content. Just like that, a static website is build using HTML and CSS mostly. If the owner wishes to change anything, he would have to edit the HTML code to make the changing. Website development Dubai is easy to access for these types of jobs. For business presentation and some other purposes, these types of websites are used.

Dynamic Websites

These are the websites which are open for users to interact. In addition to HTML and CSS, a gateway programming language is used which connects the site with a database of multiple databases for the generation and handling of queries. The web design Dubai is made in such a way that information can be stored and managed from a control panel which does not need the code to be changed.

Web Portals

This is a type of website which is used most by visitors. It can either be a management store, online content management and classified ads posting. Primarily these websites are handling the data from all over the world or companies use them for personal benefits. The data stored on web portals can be so huge that it is managed by external databases and servers. Web design services in Dubai handle them with care and strategy to avoid any kind of conflicts and crashes.

For those who are looking forward to having a website developer can take a look at their needs and wants and then can choose which type of website is required to fulfill their needs.


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